Alternative Moving Types for Students
Whether you’re a student moving from college or a student moving to college, there are two big factors you’ll want to consider when choosing your type of move: affordability and convenience. No matter how many articles you have to move, don’t be fooled into thinking it will simple and easy, or that you can do it all yourself. Even Archimedes, who claimed he could move the world, admitted he would need the right lever—and you will need the help of either the right moving companies, the right trucks, or the right friends to get your move on.

Many overly confident and ill-planned student moves end in disaster of the worst student kind—wasted money! Whether you are moving to a new dorm, apartment or going back to your home, you must look for the best moving deal to give you not just peace of mind but also relief from physical and financial stress.
If you are planning a self-move to save money, consider renting a truck to carry all your belongings. Tip: Choosing a truck with a bigger hauling capacity than your estimated need will save you unnecessary trips and provide you with the space you will need to safeguard against any preventable damage to your goods. Reserve the truck one to two weeks earlier to make sure you are within your moving schedule. Ask the help of friends to help you pack and haul your stuff. And definitely don’t forget to provide the obligatory post-move pizza and beer. Also, be sure to return the favor when their time to move comes!
When self-moving, take time to look for a truck rental company that will offer you the best student services. Ask them about their company policies regarding payments, making deposits, cancellations and charges per distance travelled. Inquire where to pick up and drop off the truck and if they allow more than one driver in case you are going to have a long distance travel. To have peace of mind, check your insurance coverage and other insurance options. Review driving regulations too.
To save more money, consider sharing renting a truck with a fellow student (preferably your future roommate or dorm mate) so you can share expenses.
Trim down your belongings as much as possible. Discard those items that you have not been using for a long time and which you will no longer need in your new place.
Hiring Professional Movers
Hiring the services of professional movers is another option. This will give you more time and energy to pack and deal with all the other inevitable hassles that come along with the moving process. To save more on moving cost, plan to move with some students in the same date or schedule. You don’t need to be in the same location when moving. By planning ahead, you can arrange the appropriate amount of scheduled stops for each of you, saving yourself hassle, driving time, or additional fees.
Student Moving and Storage Services
Before you settle on just any company, keep in mind that many moving companies specialize in student moving and offer special deals and services, just for your stressful occasion. Some companies allow students to save money on their move by hiring (trained and professional!) students to service the moves of other students, while others simply have reduced rates or deals for students or “mini-moves”.
Also, if you’ll be leaving campus or your apartment for the summer, it may be much less costly to check out moving companies offering storage options for the summer. You can split the cost of storage with your roommate to save even more money. Storage may not be free, but it’s a heckuva lot cheaper than paying months of rent for an empty apartment! Furthermore, many companies offer special summer storage deals just for broke students like you!
Let help facilitate your move
Whether you plan to self-move or hire a professional student mover, hiring the right moving company will be the most important step in assuring that your move is as affordable and stress-free as possible. Check for moving companies that cater to students' moving needs. Our comprehensive network of movers includes many companies who specialize in student moving, and with a quick fill-out of our inquiry form, you can quickly be provided with up to 5 free quotes from registered movers to help you compare prices and decide.
Whatever companies you end up contacting, feel free to ask what discounts and package deals they offer for students. Package deals usually cover packing and hauling services. Never hesitate to ask what moving companies can offer to you. You deserve the best at a reasonable cost.
Your relocation as a student should be hassle-free and it should be the least of your worries. can easily facilitate the move of your choice. Plan ahead with us for a smooth and stress-free move.
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