Alternative Ways to Save Fuel
Cars have become an integral part of life in North America. It is impossible to imagine a life without cars because of the comfort and convenience that come along with them. This has led to a surge of sleek and luxury cars that can get us to our destination quickly and in style. However, these cars are not always fuel efficient. Some of these luxury cars tend to consume more fuel and emit even more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If we continue driving the way we do, future generations may not have access to these luxuries. Most cars are powered by fossil fuels, and every year they emit more than 300 million tons of carbon dioxide into the environment in the US alone. This pollution is believed to contribute to global warming, smog, and other damage to our ecosystem. Fossil fuel—along with 95% of the energy we use— is a non-renewable source of energy. There is a finite amount of these materials on the planet, so if we continue using them the way we do, we will run out.

Fuel is synonymous with cars; the more cars, the more fuel consumption. Before we squander this non-renewable source of energy—not to mention do irreparable damage to our environment that may severely impact the quality of life of future generations—it is crucial that car owners follow fuel-saving measures.
1. Use public transportation as much as possible. Every car left in the garage means less fuel consumption and less harm to the environment.
2. Choose to walk or bike to nearby places. It is healthy for you as well as the environment. However, when you have to use the car, try to combine all your errands into one trip instead of having several short trips. List down all the items that you will need to buy before leaving the house. This small amount of planning can make a big difference in fuel consumption.
3. Clean out your trunk, and toss out unnecessary items from your car. Carrying extra weight means more fuel to run, so the lighter your car, the better. Every gallon of gas saved is an added mileage to your car.
4. Re-evaluate your needs versus your car. Giving up your old van that drinks up gallons of gas a day to buy a new fuel-efficient car could be a wise decision. Count how much you can save at the pump every day.
- Do not be brand conscious but choose the car model that gives the most fuel-efficiency or more miles for every gallon of gas.
- The size and capacity of your car may be more than what you need. Check how much car room you need and whether a lesser fuelled-engine will suffice.
5. Maintain your car well. Check your air filter and replace it when clogged. Dirty filters eat more fuel and block the flow of air into your engine, which can cause damage. This can hurt your pocket and the environment.
6. Keep within the speed limit and stop driving through red lights. Think of the number of times you have to press on the pedal just to get ahead of others. Maintain moderate acceleration during traffic. Increasing speed and then braking suddenly is a waste of fuel. In this case, haste definitely makes waste.
7. Use fuel with lower octane levels to reduce emissions. In case your car is a model that needs higher octane, mix fuel by putting half of the lower type.
Green moving companies are now using transport trucks that consume biodiesel fuel. It is one of the many eco-friendly practices that make green moving companies the conscientious choice for many individuals looking to begin their lives in a new home with a clean, green, ecological slate.
8. Open your car windows and enjoy natural air when driving out of town. Shut off your air conditioner and enjoy the country breeze. This simple move can cut your fuel consumption by a large extent.
9. Drive at a consistent speed instead of an irregular pace. Roll along (just like trucks) and keep your car at a constant speed during traffic time. Your car consumes less fuel when you keep it moving at a regular pace.
Moving green trucks are now following driving guidelines to economize fuel consumption.
10. Check your tires. Under-inflated tires lower your travel mileage because the engine requires extra effort to run. At the same time, over-inflated tires are not good for your car either. So, ensure that the tire pressure is within an acceptable range.
11. It is a good idea to go in for hybrid cars that run partly on fuel and partly on battery. This will reduce your dependency on the fluctuating price of gas and will also reduce your impact on the environment.
Practicing alternative ways of saving fuel can often mean changing your lifestyle. Though the change in your pockets may feel a bit heavier than normal, you can step lightly knowing that you’ve reduced your ecological footprint on the environment. Take a walk and think about it.
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