Packing Pots and Pans
Pots and pans are relatively more durable than other kitchen items like glassware. Nevertheless, they should be packed carefully to ensure they arrive in one piece at your destination. More care is required for pots and pans that have a non-stick material because they can be scratched easily. To start with, the pots and pans have to be grouped according to their size and shape because it makes it easier to fit them into boxes.

To pack these pots and pans, sturdy boxes are needed. They can be heavy and so we recommend that two boxes are used. The inner box should be a few inches smaller than the outer box so that it can be fitted inside easily. The bottom portion of the outer box should be sealed with packing tapes for an extra layer of protection. The inner box should be prepared for packing and this can be done by having a few layers of crumpled paper or other packing materials at the bottom.
Once the box is ready, it is time to pack the pots and pans. They can be fitted easily by a method called nesting. The largest pot is placed in the middle of the box and this should be wrapped with paper on the bottom and sides and the remaining paper can be tucked in the top portion of the pot. The next largest pot is placed inside the largest pot and the same wrapping is done. This procedure has to be followed until the smallest pot is packed. It is recommended that no more than three pots should be nested within one another. More than three can increase the chance of breakage and should be avoided. The set of three pots should be placed on their side and the next set of three should be placed on their side beside the first set. It is not a good idea to overload the box because it can increase the chance of tearing. So, depending on the weight of the pots and pans as well as the size and sturdiness of the box, it can be limited to a few pots per box. The sides of the box should be filled with additional packing materials to withstand the transit. More packing material should be placed on the top and the box should be sealed with packing materials. Finally, you can label the box with a number and make a list of the things inside for your easy reference.
Though packing pots and pans sounds simple, it can be overwhelming because of the sheer number of pots that get accumulated over a period of time. You can always choose to ask an experienced moving company to handle the packing for you.
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