Pick Up and Delivery Service
When planning a move, whether across town or across the country, many people think that they have to choose between doing everything themselves or hiring a moving company to take care of everything for them. What they often overlook is a third option—pick up and delivery services. This service has the advantage of saving money by packing yourself and not having to deal with the scheduling, calling back and forth, and long contracts of a moving company, while also sparing you the cost and hassle of loading and unloading a moving truck, driving it around and trying to park it. Depending on your unique needs, arranging the pick up and delivery of your possessions could be the moving option that works best for you.

Before choosing which method of moving would be best, you should consider a few questions about your needs. How many items are you going to be moving, and do they include large items like refrigerators and washing machines? If you have many large and awkward items, it may be easier to hire a moving company. If you have only a van load of boxes and small furniture items, renting a moving van may be worthwhile. Most people, however, fall somewhere in the middle, with a fair number of boxes and a few large items. It is in this situation that pick up and delivery is often the best moving option. Do you have the time to physically make the move, and enough people who are available to help you for that amount of time? If there’s one thing that happens to just about every person during the moving process, it’s running out of time due to so many variables arising to complicate plans. Leaving the actual loading, unloading and delivery to professionals will always save time and hassles, and often, money. Once you consider the rental fees and fuel charges, not to mention time lost, this type of service is often cheaper. Another important question to consider is the value of your goods. In a self move, there are always more damages, and you are solely responsible. On the other hand, if you need to take out insurance, the rates will be much lower if you use a moving company.
That being said, there are many advantages to using a pick up and delivery service for your move. You will be able to work around your own schedule; you could pack a bit at a time as you are able or just do it all at once. The benefit is that the scheduling is up to you; the movers just need to know the time to pick everything up. Also, since you are packing everything, you will know where everything is and also pack valuable items as you see fit. All of this gives you greater control over your move, and makes unpacking much simpler. More importantly, in most pick up and delivery moves, you save money over both hiring a company and a do-it-yourself move.
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