Reduce Waste
Moving to a new home? This is your chance to adapt to a new living style. Going green must be your choice today. It is easier than what you think and needs the family members’ cooperation.

Going green makes you socially responsible. While it keeps your new home clutter free, it helps you save without exerting much effort to stay thrifty too. Below are some simple ways to reduce waste in the “green” way:
1. Get rid of your stuffs by recycling them. Everything in your home can now be recycled. From bottles and cans to any type of paper, they all can be put to good use. Don’t just dump everything into your trash bins. Segregate them and bring them to your local recycling centers.
2. Businesses are getting into recycling too. Moving companies have also pledged support to eco-friendly practices by using recycled cardboard boxes in their packaging system as well as implementing proper waste disposal system.
3. Use reusable materials. Bring along tote bags when you go to groceries. Use refillable drinking bottles and rechargeable batteries. Stay away from plastic bags. As much as you can, avoid buying items with “disposable” labels unless they are biodegradable.
4. Eco-friendly moving companies are now into using reusable packing materials, minimizing the use of papers. They now follow less-paper transporting system and providing discounts for those who would adopt to move the green way. has list of moving companies that do their relocation businesses in green way.
5. Compost. You can have your own composting area. Just buy a compost bin or make your own. You can add any biodegradable waste you have around you – from leaves to food wastes. Compost materials can be used to fertilize your garden and potted plants. You save money too.
6. Go fresh, go local. Buy local fresh produce, especially those that are in season. Scraps from fresh food can be added to your compost. Purchasing locally also means less need for transportation and saves fuel.
7. Preserve fruits and vegetables yourself instead of buying them. It means less tins and cans to discard. Buying fresh produce in bulk while they are in season is economical. Use bottles instead of cans when preserving. Bottles are reusable and safe. Doing your own preserves is healthier too. You know what you are mixing in your food.
8. Stop junk mail. You can do your searches in the web. Sign up for free information online and you need not receive bulks of catalogs and advertisements in your home.
9. Use cloth towels and napkins instead of buying the paper type. They are more stylish and give you the feeling of home.
10. Declutter. Part ways with those that you no longer want by donating or giving them away instead of stacking them at home. Other people could put to good use what you have considered unwanted.
11. Save water. Do not leave the faucet open when not in use. Collect rainwater for your plants. Minimize using your carwash hose when cleaning your car. If possible, avoid free flow of water while washing objects.
12. Buy home items that have multiple functions. Nowadays, we need not use one item for a single purpose only. Multiple-purpose items, like tools, are more practical and save space.
13. Save energy. Go for energy-saving bulbs. Switch-off the lights when not in use. Minimize use of air condition. Let fresh air come in or use electric fans. Insulate your doors and windows to lessen energy consumption on heaters during winter. Reduce waste. This shall be a daily effort of every family member. Going green is a participative effort but surely rewarding.
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