Tipping Your Mover
Moving is one of the services where it is customary and appreciated to tip. But who do you tip, and when do you tip them? Depending on your type of move, there can be numerous people on your moving crew; a packing crew, loading crew, unloading crew, and unpacking crew—as well as a driver or supervisor. Trying to figure out who to tip and when can be confusing, especially amidst all the bustle and activity on such a big day.

A simple way to orchestrate tipping is to tip every crew when they have completed their specified task. You should tip every individual who is part of the crew. $20 is generally agreed upon as the appropriate amount to tip each crew member.
If you get confused about how many people there are to be tipped, or forget to tip certain crew members, etc., always keep in mind that your driver or supervisor is your “go-to guy” for all your questions concerning your move. If for some reason you are unable to or forget to tip your loading crew, for example, you can always give the tips to the supervisor at the end to be divided up later.
Some sources say that for a very excellent move, it’s reasonable to tip up to $100 per mover. Nonetheless, you should keep in mind that there are always other ways to show appreciation for your movers. You should always offer cold drinks, and snacks or coffee are always appreciated. Be calm, kind, and respectful to your movers, and be prepared and organized to direct your move: which boxes go where, etc. These considerations not only better ensure the whereabouts of your personal belongings, but are a concrete way of showing your movers respect and concern that will not go unnoticed.
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